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Busy Bees

It seems like an age since I’ve posted anything and you might think we’d passed on or something or had been really quiet. In fact the opposite has been true. Grant and I have been super busy and unfortunately something had to give and that something was the blog and facebook pages. I’ve got thousands of images that we’re going through. But it’s worth the extra time to make sure we get them just right.

I’ve also been playing and testing new gear and new techniques to 1. make sure we’re at the top of our game and 2. to keep the passion we have for shooting burning bright. We’re going to be able to do some awesome and very cool stuff with new cameras, big and small, new lighting ideas and new techniques to get awesome images in really difficult situations.

So I’m going back to get those images out. But here’s one I took while Grant and I were on our way to Wollongong last Friday to shoot Tony and Coreen’s wet but awesome wedding.

Back soon with heaps of new images.

Hanglider over Woolongong

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